圖 | 英文 | 中文 | 分數 |
| Solid Gold, Baby! | | 50 |
Earn 70 Gold Medals on Missions and Strangers and Freaks.在Strangers and Freaks | 在Strangers and Freaks 任務中獲得70枚金牌 |
| Career Criminal | | 100 |
Attain 100% Game Completion. | 遊戲達到100%完成度 |
| San Andreas Sightseer | | 30 |
Explore all of Los Santos and Blaine County | 探索過整個Los Santos和Blaine County |
| All's Fare in Love and War | | 10 |
Purchase Downtown Cab Co. and complete a private fare | 買下Downtown Cab Co.計程車公司,並且獲得優惠乘車價格(這裡有爭議) |
| TP Industries Arms Race | | 10 |
Purchase McKenzie Field Hangar and win the arms race. | 買下McKenzie Field Hangar 並在軍備競賽中獲勝 |
| Multi-Disciplined | | 30 |
Attain a gold medal in all applicable hobbies and pastimes. | 在可應用的愛好中獲得一枚金牌 |
| From Beyond the Stars | | 15 |
Collect and return all spaceship parts | 收集並歸還所有飛船部件 |
| A Mystery, Solved | | 15 |
Solve the mystery of Leonora Johnson | 揭開Leonora Johnson 之謎 |
| Waste Management | | 15 |
Purchase the old dock and collect all nuclear waste. | 買下舊碼頭然後回收所有核廢料 |
| Red Mist | | 20 |
Complete all Rampages. | 完成所有Rampages |
| Show Off | | 30 |
Complete all Stunt Jumps. | 完成所有特技跳躍 |
| Kifflom! | | 30 |
Complete your path to enlightenment... or not. | 完成你的啟-蒙解-放之路~或者失敗。。 |
| Three Man Army | | 20 |
Survive 3 minutes on at least a 3 star Wanted Level with all three characters together off mission. | 3人不在做任務的時候在3星通-緝程度下存活3分鐘 |
| Out of Your Depth | | 5 |
You're gonna need a bigger boat.. | 你需要一艘更大的船 |
| Altruist Acolyte | | 5 |
Deliver an unsuspecting victim to the Altruist Cult. | 把一個無辜的受害者送到Altruist Cult |
| A Lot of Cheddar | | 20 |
Spend a total of $200 million across all three characters. | 在3個人物身上總共花費2億 |
| Trading Pure Alpha | | 10 |
Make a profit over your total investments in the stock market. | 在股-市中獲得的利潤大於本金 |
| Pimp My Sidearm | | 10 |
Fully mod a weapon. | 完全改裝一個武器 |
| Wanted: Alive Or Alive | | 10 |
Deliver a bail bond target alive. | 把被保-釋的目標活著送到目的地。 |
| Los Santos Customs | | 10 |
Fully mod a vehicle. | 完全改裝一輛汽車 |
| Close Shave | | 20 |
Complete all Under the Bridge and Knife Flight challenges. | 完成所有Under the Bridge 和Knife Flight challenges挑戰 |
| Off the Plane | | 5 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Complete the Introduction. | Grand Theft Auto線上:完成簡章 |
| Three-Bit Gangster | | 10 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Reach Rank 25. | Grand Theft Auto線上:達到25級 |
| Making Moves | | 30 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Reach Rank 50. | Grand Theft Auto線上:達到50級 |
| Above the Law | | 80 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Reach Rank 100. | Grand Theft Auto線上:達到100級 |
| Numero Uno | | 20 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Obtain first place in all competitive game types. | Grand Theft Auto線上:在所有競技遊戲種類中都獲得過第一名 |
| The Midnight Club | | 20 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Use custom vehicles to win 5 races. | Grand Theft Auto線上:用改裝車贏得5場比賽 |
| Unnatural Selection | | 20 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Complete all 10 waves of a Survival. | Grand Theft Auto線上:Survival模式下存活10波 |
| Backseat Driver | | 10 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Direct a driver to 1st place as co-driver in Rally Mode | .Grand Theft Auto線上:在Rally Mode下,在副駕駛座上指導駕駛員獲得第一名。 |
| Run Like The Wind | | 20 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Survive for a day with a Bounty on your head. | Grand Theft Auto線上:頭上有賞金的時候存活一天。 |
| Clean Sweep | | 10 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Finish a Gang Attack without dying and kill at least 10 enemies. | Grand Theft Auto線上:一條命完成Gang Attack 並且至少擊殺10名敵人 |
| Decorated | | 50 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Earn 30 Platinum Awards. | Grand Theft Auto線上:獲得30項白金獎項 |
| Stick Up Kid | | 10 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Hold up all 20 Stores. | Grand Theft Auto線上:劫持過所有20家店鋪 |
| Enjoy Your Stay | | 20 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Participate in everything Los Santos has to offer. | Grand Theft Auto線上:參加過Los Santos 所有活動 |
| Crew Cut | | 5 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Complete a Job as a member of a Crew. | Grand Theft Auto線上:作為Crew(團夥)的一員,完成工作 |
| Full Refund | | 10 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Kill the thief that mugged you. | Grand Theft Auto線上:把那個蒙你的傢伙給做掉。 |
| Dialling Digits | | 5 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Call for gang backup for the first time. | Grand Theft Auto線上:第一次打電話呼叫小夥伴支援 |
| American Dream | | 10 |
Grand Theft Auto Online: Own an Apartment, Garage and an Insured Vehicle. | Grand Theft Auto線上:擁有住宿,車庫,和有保險的車。 |